a ghetto way of getting someone's attention in a hallway. said first by a random black guy at middle creek high school. thought to be cool by kellie and brittany.
"Hakuna Matata Motha Fucka. Wait for me!"
by Brittany April 16, 2005
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Some shit that is wack as hell and or not as it should be
Statement-"What the fuck man, bitch gave me a veggie burger".

Rebutle-"God damn thats is some strait Cracka Ass Shit Mutha fucka".
by Matthew Broderdick November 24, 2008
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Those who take their last food stamp dollars to Grocery Outlet and come out like a motha fucka.
I live around some crazy Grocery Outlet surviving motha fuckas!
by Garyism August 4, 2018
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Hanzo is the well-endowed samurai from the cult trilogy Hanzo the Razor. Hanzo is best described as a Japanese amalgamation of Shaft and Dirty Harry. He practiced sadomasochism to further hone his strength and sexual prowess. Examples include pounding his penis into a block of wood with a mallet and humping a dry bag of rice.
Tony just dry humped a Brillo Pad, he's crazy like mutha fucka hanzo.
by Oddjob6025 April 21, 2005
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someone who is excellent, badass, a loyal friend in most cases.
will kick peoples ass and fuck shit up.
that jussy is a hxc badass motha fucka. he fucked up chuck norris!
by hoeface April 1, 2006
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1.what lil' jon says to his homies when rapping the song "get low".

2.when a guy wants to get in his womans pants, he yells out loud "aw skeet skeet motha fucka".

3. to the windows, to the walls... you know "get low"..
wife gets home from work and her husband yells hey bitch make me a sandwhich. and she goes no make your own. and then he yells "aw skeet skeet motha fucka".
by melissa & elizabeth August 22, 2006
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Beyond the line of being an asshole where the whole world wants to burn you alive and take a shit in your mouth.
You racist mutha fucka. Yeah who you calling a taco munching beener! Suffer!
by Electric tickle fingers January 2, 2016
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