A word used to describe someone (usually a girl) who acts super preppy and annoying, mostly used as an insult from people who are emo, punk, etc. Often linked to outbursts of high-pitched giggling around boys, girlie clothing, cheerleading, etc.
Did you see the way Angela was talking on the phone to Todd? God, she's such a freaking dip!!

girl1: lol, it would be so funny seeing you as a dip...
girl2: O_O *promptly socks girl1 in the gut*
by pand0ra August 3, 2006
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1.) acronym for Damn! Its Pimpin!

2.) a word used to describe a state of extreme hipness or coolness while not being too trendy
1.) Person 1: Oh! Dip!
Person 2: Me or my car?
Person 1: The car, of course. You're an offie.
Person 2: Fuck you!

2.) Joel: Man! That kid Angus is totally dip!
Ryan: I know. He's always in style, no matter what.
by the baby snatcher April 3, 2006
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Ya then a dipped from that cutty party shit got crazy
Let's go cop some dip, I wanna get a chill little high
by cutty dipper January 22, 2008
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A cigarette dipped in embalming fluid ( with or with no PCP )
Yo go got that dip?

Can you dip me a cig?
by c0ma August 20, 2003
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A fun pass-time for hockey players, especially prep schools.

Kid A: Yo man you got any dip?
Kid B: Yeah man let's pack a nice lipper before the game.
by Diggity Dum December 2, 2006
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"hey you know jill? you two should dip"
by Anonymous March 16, 2003
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Originated from the word "dipshit" used as a name for only the select few worthy of the title. The state of being dippy includes the everlasting pursuit of stupidity, extream lazyness, and Casey's mom. Other qualities include being able to: consume great amounts of salsa ish, bike miles on end, and endure a firce rubber band battle at 3:00 in the morning.
cam was worthy so we dubbed him a dip

"yo dip"
by []D_[]_[]V[]_[]D June 27, 2004
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