Victor: Salut! Ma numesc Victor!
Eu: Cretin...
by AlexEsuper January 12, 2022
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A cretin is a word used to formally describe a silly little girl who goes by the name of phoebe harwood, this is because she has the personality of a brick wall and looks like a spacktard
person: “oh look, there’s phoebe, she looks like a right cretin today”
by JDHartley May 25, 2023
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A cretin is a word used to formally describe a silly little girl who goes by the name of phoebe harwood, this is because she has the personality of a brick wall and looks like a spacktard
person: “oh look, there’s phoebe, she looks like a right cretin today”
by JDHartley May 25, 2023
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A cretin is somebody who once told me that the world was gonna roll me and that I was not the sharpest tool in the shed.
by Nonce u saw on the street April 24, 2019
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A brainless human who is like a child and have 0IQ
Do we need a example if so you probably are a cretin
by Glode tnt March 31, 2020
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a typically southern insensitve idiot, often a halfbreed. They have low intelligence.
That woman and her son look like cretins.
by JoodijjOODI March 23, 2018
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