gay , queer , homosexual , fruity , funboys
california is full of gay queer homosexual fruity funboys
by eat shit and die September 11, 2006
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A place infested with liberals, hippies, and communists.
Screw california, let's go to Wyoming where the grass is green and the hippies get their heads blown off.
by brandon1 January 13, 2007
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A Mexican Infested gun grabbing communist pile of steaming dogshit.
Guy A: So where you from?
Guy B: This Shitty ass pile of crap mexican hole. Sometimes called California.
by Shitty Mc Shit February 7, 2008
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A State full of homosexual ROMANS who worship Satan.

It's funny they make the outrageous claim of being "tree huggers" and yet they've chopped down every tree in sight and all that's left is to do is shoot eachother on the freeway.

They also make the outrageous claims of being enlightened,rational,tolerant etc.

Yet if you disagree with them they'll fuckin cap your ass.

And oh yeah they also say guns are bad.
haha haha hahah haha ha...
by Peter Griffin March 11, 2005
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Adjective: used to describe people, things or actions that are not authentic.
1) Don't hug me if you're going to give me california hugs.

2) Yuck. This fat-free chicken tikka masala served on a bed of iceberg lettuce is so california-Indian.

3) Heh, don't you just love her new california nose?
by Blossom August 11, 2005
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California is the 23rd best state. Now, suck it.
22 states are better than California. Put it in your mouth at this moment in time.
by OY OY OY April 13, 2007
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Another means of saying your going to smoke pot/get high.
"Hey man, you wanna go to california tonight?!"
by Sam November 21, 2003
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