one who sucks on the cock.
Yo Gene, check out the DSL on that broad!! She has to be the best helmet buffer, EVER..
by soundchild January 26, 2008
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The window of opportunity in which to talk to a person to whom you might be attracted, prior to when you have undressed them in your imagination and/or fantasized about them sexually. Usually between 10 seconds - 5 minutes after first sighting this person, depending on his or her attractiveness and your horniness.

(NOTE: Men andwomen of both gay and heterosexual persuasions are subject to the fleeting nudity zone).

Coined by the character Jeff on the British sitcom "Coupling."
"I would go over and say hi to Steve, but I've already imagined what it would be like to sit on his face, so the nudity buffer has been breached and it might be awkward."
by Gerere March 12, 2006
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A type of exploitation in programming in which a set buffer is created in a program and a user has the advantage of overflowing that buffers set limit to allow the user to execute arbitrary code by overwriting a memory block, held for the buffer.
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
buffer300; //set buffer to store 300 bytes
if(argc<=2) {
printf("usage: %s <data to put in buffer>", argv0);
memset(buffer, argv1); //add 2nd argument (the data) into the buffer
printf("%s",buffer); //print data that resides in the buffer

if more than 300 bytes are put into the buffer, it will cause a segmentation fault causing a buffer overflow.
by atomix April 25, 2004
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Women seeking rodeo champions to have sex with them.
"Those girls are just a bunch of buckle buffers."
by BuckleBuffer69 January 26, 2017
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When buffering occurs repeatedly while trying to watch T.V. or a movie on ones computer.
I was trying to watch a movie on Netflix but kept getting Buffer Fucked.
by N4CER32 October 19, 2011
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A term often used in the IT world as a euphemism for cracking one off in a closet
I just flushed the buffer in my lunch break!
by Sybil May 5, 2005
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A mediocre song used by an internet streaming service like Pandora to let you know they're about to play something really shitty. This gives you the opportunity to change the station before inadvertently hearing something distasteful. Coined by popular podcast host, Adam Carolla
Adam: I was listening to an Elvis Costello channel on Pandora earlier and John Cougar's opus "Hurts So Good" suddenly started playing.
Ray: Shit. At least they should've given you a Buffer Song.
Adam: Yes, anything by Gary Wright would've been sufficient
by bkn February 24, 2014
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