Its when you jack off so hard and fast that your dick turns red and is sore.
Dude, I need to find a chick. Last night I gave myself a Rusty Venture.
by Alec Wallace November 22, 2010
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The rusty part is when you take a girl out for a huge dinner, but you don't let her go to the can; then you have anal sex with her and she shits all over your dick, so right when you're about to get off take it out and blow shitty cum on her back.

The venture part is when you eat that junk off her back without using your hands
How about I take you to my boudoir and give you a little rusty venture?
by esquilax13 November 24, 2010
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A sexual act involving a string of graphic and unlikely moves and/or fetishes, often including fecal matter or second-hand semen between two gay men.
A "Rusty Venture" is when two men and a rhinoceros get slathered in butter. The first man licks the second man's anus, then helps him mount the rhinoceros' horn while masturbating himself, nearly to orgasm. Then the second gay man induces vomiting while the first man ejaculates and excretes simultaneously. Finally, the second man climbs down from the rhinoceros' horn and rolls around in the semen, excrement, and vomit mixture with the first man, before they both perform fellatio on the rhinoceros.
by EliteFool November 23, 2010
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It's when you take a girl out for a huge a dinner but don't let her go to the can. The you have anal sex with her and she shits all over your dick. So, right when you're about to get off you take it out and blow shit all over her back. The adventure part is when you eat that junk off her back without using any hands.
I took my girl to Applebees and then we went home for anal sex. I managed to talk her into a Rusty Venture and I got some dessert later.
by hammmmmm November 23, 2010
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A sexual act wherein an individual(male or female), while in the act of falatio, inserts their finger into the mans anus. This is accomplished while the individual performing the act is dressed as "Rusty Venture", the cartoon character.
by Dr. Grumbles November 24, 2010
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When one inserts peanuts into his urethra has anal intercourse with his partner thus leaving the peanuts inside of his partner, the partner then poops the peanuts onto her partners chest. all while on top of a stuffed gorilla as your therapist watches and takes notes.
dude, i totally gave her a rusty venture last night.
by HisRoyalAwesomeness November 22, 2010
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