She's an ugly pig. Who cares only about herself. She manipulates and hurts others. Her hair is damaged and burned. She acts innocents but is actually a demon. She ugly. She ugly she ugly.
Stop hanging out with Valeria she's a bitch
by Bigdickiedo January 4, 2019
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Usually a drugg addict, her favorite drug has to be weed. Has a high pain tolerance,and is very charismatic.So in short WATCH OUT FOR VALERIAS PERIOD.
Olivia: I nearly ran into Valeria


Olivia: Valeria is sooo nice and has a great personality

Friend: I know right
If you didn’t notice by now this was a joke
by Okiseeyouthisadeffinition January 24, 2019
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The one dumb bitch from the ESMS wrestling team who weighs 135 in fat but shes like 5'3 tall and looks like a drumstick but without the "drum"
Hey Martinez how did Valeria's ass feel
by memois kool October 24, 2019
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A white peice of trash that cant spell.
Person: Wow That valeria over there i heard she cant read
by holographic trash March 7, 2019
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Valeria is a bich and a fake friend and she flirts with boys that are take to and doesn't know how to fight she mostly date boys that are name CARLOS.
Valeria is a bich
by The supreme gifl February 14, 2019
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A bitch ass person and that sucks dick all day long an also likes other girls pussy

she steals other people's friends 😒
Don't be friends with a Valeria
That Valeria is such a whore!
by Lexy lopez February 27, 2017
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