I wear baggies over my weasel squeezers for my urban assaults.
by Mark Shackelford August 16, 2007
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when you take the sweat from your balsac and flick it onto someones face, thus a lemon squeezer
after an intense workout, i lemon-squeezed pedro
by wonderbread January 21, 2005
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Look at those bean squeezers packed into that van sneaking over the border!
by Kool-aide maine May 29, 2009
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When you squeeze a womans nipple then milk comes out and it squirts in your eye.
"Yo Maria what the hell did I tell you about getting nipple squeezed by this guy, he'll hurt ya."
by John Lush March 10, 2003
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“Rose was really pissing me off so I kicked her straight up the baby Squeezer
by MrInKredible October 27, 2022
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