softie is one of the sweetest people you'll meet, they might even let you sleep over at their house if youre crying and tired, they'll comfort you even if theyre going through their own shit, over all softie is just a sweet person.
person 1: woah whos that, he seems really sweet.
person 2: thats softie.
by kodzuke August 4, 2022
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The opposite of a hardon
It is something you get when you're turned off
Friend 1: Man, that chick back there was so hot, she gave me a hard on!
Friend 2: Which one? The only one I saw gave me a softy.
by jimothy5_6 June 25, 2020
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When you cum so fast your penis isn't even fully erect
Wow John, last night this porn was so hot, it ended up being a quickie-softie!
by Sum foo May 27, 2020
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A bit of a pp, though she makes hot characters
Yeah💞 she kinda hates life
And she uses she/they pronouns
Person: “wow! ‘Pedal...softie’ sucks!”
Another person: “ugh ikr
by Not Pedal...softie April 29, 2021
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Softies are a roblox style That are so sensitive that if you say cringe on their edit they will say OMGMGMG HAU DRAE YIU
Chad: softie are bad and this is cringe
by Tsipeo_ireplie April 11, 2023
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when guys have a heterosexual discussion of their feelings, usually about their girlfriends.
guy1: dude what's dave talking to James about
guy2: oh, he's having a softie talk about how his girlfriend keeps busting his balls
by gingerfox69 January 20, 2009
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