The handle located inside of passenger cars commonly grabbed onto when something goes wrong. Elderly sometimes use the oh shit stick to assist with entering or exiting cars.
I was ridding shotgun, and the driver was drunk. I grabbed the oh shit stick every time he hit the gas.
by cëllPirate November 17, 2021
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When you put a brown frosting toupee, peanuts for eyes and carve a mouth onto a twix bar, you have created a shit stick
"Wtf is that sis?"
"Oh this? Its my shit stick"
by Shitstick joslin-butler May 23, 2019
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Noun. Anal sex in which there is feces on the male's dick(stick) when pulled out.
See also: Dooky sticks
My man fucked me in the ass so hard girl! He got the shit sticks.
by BedheadRedd June 9, 2017
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Shit stick (The Shit stick) known as a penis coated in shit after having anal.
Guy 1: “Hey I done anal with my wife last night..”
Guy 2: “I bet you had a Shit Stick after”
Guy 1: “Yeah, my wife licked my big old shit stick like it was a chocolate ice cream
by Tarrxn24 January 15, 2022
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When your fucking her in the ass and you pull out your dick and its covered in shit.
I was fucking Carol in the ass last night and when I was done my dick looked like a shit stick.
by BigGLizzy69 October 29, 2018
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Shit stick is another name for a cigar. The bigger the cigar the more it looks like a stick of tightly rolled dog shit.
Ewwww....that man (or woman) has a shit stick in his/her mouth.

What does Sigmund Freud, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bill Clinton have in common? That love having shit sticks in their mouths.
by I hate shit sticks September 18, 2021
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When a place/item that’s supposed to be a luxury, gets extremely disheveled, and worn down
The hotel had been left for so long, it practically became a Shit-stick”
by REyoyER March 21, 2020
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