A girl who is pretty and posh. She may seem aloof, but she’s actually kind. Chicks want to be her and dudes want to date her. Unfortunately, she usually way above their league.
Penelope has it going on! Too bad she won’t go for a guy like me.
by JSuede May 12, 2021
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A rude loudmouth that's too sensitive to take any of the shit she dishes out
Jeez Penelope is so loud
by Thestonedginger November 5, 2020
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Code word for I'm trying to get laid, burn up and stop cock blocking
Aye bro, Penelope.
by Wsk-Ryan April 28, 2023
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Code word for I'm trying to get laid, burn up and stop cock blocking 🚫
Aye bro Penelope called..
by Wsk-Ryan April 28, 2023
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Penelope's are the most amazing people you could ever meet. They are funny, kind, beautiful and are always there for you. If you have a Penelope in your life, don't let them go. They are obsessed with finding out their friend's crush and then nagging them to ask them out. Penelope's are like the shining sun. They also have a dark sense of humour that can sometimes be concerning.
Person 1: Hey, do you know Penelope?
Person 2: Yeah, she's my best friend.
Person 1: Omg you're so lucky!
by Gh0sty666 October 22, 2022
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A heavy white girl, usually on YouTube videos with loud clothing and strange hair clips, earrings and necklaces. A reference to Criminal Minds.
Look she’s another Penelope
by Silly Latina April 15, 2023
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Oven penelope - a gay very very short person thinks he is super tall but he is 4’9 he is also related t ketamine Kyle
M - do u know oven penelope

S - ayip
by tescolad123 August 8, 2019
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