A small, weird child sent to this world by satan. It has a weird addiction to writing and playing childrens video games like pokemon, animal crossing and harvest moon. If you dis Nintendo in front of it, it will find you and it will scream into your ears about how great nintendo is for the entirity of the day before it passes out. This specimen can often be found starting animes and never finishing it because it is very forgetful.
When nothing goes right- it's because Mika Exley touched it
by mika_is_amazing February 22, 2018
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Someone who Is crazy
Says poonani alot
& doesn't like the smell of turkey
Damn you mika-chu!
dude thats a mika-chu right derrr!
by EhHEhah March 28, 2009
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Mika-itis (The Mika disease) : a rare disease that has no treatment.

Symptoms of this can be: low self esteem, zoning out, not listening, being stupid and confused, hiding all bad emotions so you’re like a robot ninja that gives no fucks, being a bitch 24/7, looks like a potato...but is also cute af tho.

Can also be used to describe an individual that displays some or all symptoms.
Looks like you’ve got a case of Mika-itis“
by Tony stank September 20, 2018
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A guy that’s got a ball sack that smells like a mix of 2 week old clam chowder, an offensive lineman’s girdle after they just lost a semi final and dumpster juice.
I was about to sleep with this cute guy from college but when I pulled his pants down I realised he was a dirty Mika, so I said I my son Aiden was ill and left!
by DirtyPossum April 28, 2020
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It's a me, James Mika
by James Mika January 15, 2021
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When the feeling when Mika really wants to eat a big, chunky, eyebrow.
by Penis-Holder March 4, 2022
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