Someone who wants to change the world for the better but is to lazy or to stoned to do it.
"Hey man we're being pushed into a war that no one beleives in, we should protest!"

"Calm down man i'm to baked to get up."
by Larkin May 10, 2005
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The greatest type of people to grace this Earth and truly the greatest generation
by Batman March 7, 2005
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Babyboomes from the late 40's early 50's that have figured out that there is more to life than what the "establishment" tells them. Free spirited, people that believe in the live and let live idea..golden rule
A person that identifies the hypocrisy of the world, yet proceeds with love through life expressing theirselves as best they can. While leaving others to drown in the muck of society.
by Dan mcMenamin June 19, 2004
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They want to help the world but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.
Our house is currently being fumagated for hippy infestation.
by echolopia October 2, 2006
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from the word hippie.
a person or a group of people who sit around and smoke pot and hug trees.

use slang like: like, rad, totally, groovy, man
*hey man, do u like see those hippies over there?
-yea theyre like so rad.
by davie johnson November 12, 2007
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A term which originated in the 60s...not the 70s...for any long-haired "freaky" person who dared to express themselves.
A term that right-wing assholes use when describing someone who a)smokes pot, b)protests and demonstrates against unjust acts or c)is an environmentalist.
I am a hippie.
by katy March 24, 2004
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some one who is at one with the earth the trees and everything around him except war and violence.often smokes gonja and listens to bands such as the dead phish george clinton and other drug induced bands.mind u this is coming from a hippy yes i am one myself so let it ride man
"dude this smoke is laughing at me and its like woa why are u smokey"quote from my bro brian
by jake considine May 22, 2005
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