The term is a definition of "smart" people acting like they do in their natural habitat along with their sow.
I don`t understand why they keep doing that, just gibboning
by keep rolling April 19, 2017
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Self proclaimed crunked out come snorting old ho that has been dubbed filter queen. Crazy mean old lady that thinks it's cute to be mean to others.

A serious problem for anyone who she enters their lives. Had a hand in her own daughter's murder then collects funds from friends and family to pretend to look for her killer.
Did you see what that old lady andrea cali-gibbons was wearing? I feel sick!
by Iseelosers August 4, 2020
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Introducing Jack Gibbons
This specimen is an adolescent male primate. He is a very simple individual who has a drive for being successful, expanding his knowledge on plumbing although still unsuccessful on actually get an apprenticeship and kissing rotters on the dance floor.

A newly single man on the prowl for pussy who can make a relatively adequate sandwich.
something you wouldn’t want to pass up on!

However Jack Gibbons like all things in life isn’t perfect-

As he is a lightweight, an extreme lightweight infact where he has been and I quote

“Dinoed out his saur
I may have also forgot to mention the Jack Gibbons patter-

very hit or miss may I add

just like his pick up lines whilst chatting to the ladies in the club.
Person 1: “Hey, have you seen Jack Gibbons?”

Person 2:”Think I just seen him whiteying on the floor

Person 1: “What a silly Jack Gibbons”
by mikewheresmahousekey November 22, 2021
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