1: a person who thinks their Genshin Impact ships are superior to everyone else's and will attack anyone who does ships they don't like, this also includes straight ships.

2: a racist fan who complains, and races-bends other people's Genshin art and says "they fixed it" when it was fine the first time.
Average Fan: I ship Aether with Lisa.

Genshin Impact supremacist: YOU CAN'T DO THAT SHES A LESBIAN!!!!

Genshin Artist: I just finished drawing Kaeya I must say I'm proud of it.

Genshin Impact supremacist: WHY IS KAEYA WHITE, THERE I FIXED YOUR ART!!!
by Anonymous Robloxian December 3, 2021
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Genshin impact fan is a social reject with no friends or life outside the internet. Usually have thousands of different “sexualities and genders”, and send u death threats if u tell them they’re invalid.

They have no father figure, bitches or friends. And will probably end up working as discord moderators, if they don’t already do of course.

They usually identify as kitten/kittenself etc, and will throw a tantrum if u call them something else.

They do not shower or leave their room, and are usually obese.

And of course, they are incredibly racist, but still obsessed with japanese or korean culture.

Are attracted to minors.

Tells you to kill yourself if you say their favorite character isn’t lgbt, or u say their favorite ship isn’t canon.

You can usually spot a genshin fan pretty easily. An obese person wearing musty clothes from sheins emo section and smells like shit cuz they haven’t showered in ages.
example of genshin impact fan:

genshin fan: omg i just got the new five stars in genshin !! /srs /j /pos /gen - they/them/kittenself/it/she/him

normal person: ur a girl

genshin fan: ur ableist and homophobic kill yourself !!!!!!
by jojospeakadventure July 14, 2022
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the new christmas genshin impact cult will give u followers

not a toxic cult!!
Yooo I just joined the christmas genshin impact cult and i gained 200 followers!
by kurapikas mommy November 15, 2021
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A request to have hardcore gay orgy sex using aloe vera oil and menthol as lubricant. Must have 3 males jacking off while watching and 5 sets of males in the missionary position, totaling to 13 men.
Person A:"Hey Ronny, wanna Hop on genshin impact?"
Person B:"You nasty slut, you know me so well!"
by Shackios April 11, 2022
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Oh no, that Genshin Impact Player is here.
by smattyLats July 13, 2022
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Slang for rough gay sex, commonly used by males who are fond of video games.
“Yo, hop on genshin impact. My energy is full so I can go for a while.”
Sure thing! I should probably sleep soon though, so let's make it quick.”
by dаbaby March 25, 2021
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Someone who calls Genshin Impact Players pedophiles with no evidence to back it up because they read it somewhere on r/shitposting.
John: Hey are you wearing a hoodie with Zhongli on it? You must be a pedophile then!

Keith: See, this is why you’re so annoying. You’re a Genshin Impact stereotyper
by KatNotKit January 24, 2022
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