When a group of several friends collect their dick cheese, and cut it in with a few lines of coke.
Billy was doing Crud Cutter bumps off the toilet seat lastnight.
by dirstnam October 27, 2017
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A generic programmer whose job revolves around create, read, update and delete, aka CRUD
95% of programmers are just useless crud monkeys, dumb crud monkey
by Homeless Chicken December 22, 2022
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The half used peanut butter/jam or spread that is whiped back into the container it came from when it is not used. The crud butter has usually touched toast or a bagel and is put back into the container with crumbs all over it.
Tom: "katie why do you alway's whipe the knife on the peanut butter, i hate crud butter."
by Luke Jay June 25, 2008
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Another meaning for WTF....shit....u get it
by Hitller Samules May 10, 2009
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Any type of dirty bits found in places where they shouldn't be. Extra large, dirty, or unusualy large amount of crud.
by LadyO February 23, 2009
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Scabby patches on the female pubic hair surrounding the vaginal entrance
"Mary your minge crud tastes funny"
by rick oli August 10, 2005
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A phrase that's used among farmers that refers to the dirt stain on the side of your fingers that doesn't wash off until winter.
Person 1: Hey have you found any way to get that dirt off your hands?

Person 2: No, that's crud finger, it won't come off until the winter.
by organicintern July 12, 2009
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