Cameron is a cute boy with perfect eyebrows. He tends to be annoying and a bit mean at times but he is the funniest person ever. When you see him in the hallway you can't help but smile at how good looking he is. Cameron is a rich boy and seems like he's got it all, but he's insecure beneath his insults. He has a perfect smile and great hair.
You're annoying but cute. Gosh you're such a Cameron!
by Kingflyp February 2, 2014
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Most encouraging, loving, helpful and kind people you will ever meet. Cameron's are amazing and if you ever come across one say hi, they are very nice and won't bit:)
They are very sporty and cooperate with everyone and Cameron's are cute and adorable and always help people out when needed. Cameron's always seem to be really smart as well.
"Ohh! It's Cameron! He's so adorable, I love him! I just wanna kiss him!"
"Cameron is sooo smart! I wish I could be like Cameron"
"Cameron is an amazing friend and is so adorable"
"I can't believe Cameron always get's A's"
"Cameron has a lot of spare time It seems!"
by Aquatiq February 21, 2017
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The most Jewish person you’ll ever meet. Master of Judaism .
Known for charging 5$ a ride
by Jews97 October 19, 2018
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The sweetest guy you'll ever meet. He won't ever try to hurt you. He will never make you sad, he is perfect. Usally with blue eyes, dimples, and perfect blond hair.
I love Cameron.
by cameronlover26 December 5, 2012
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An enthusiastic child with a opening personality but is cursed with one thing... Being 2 inches tall
Oh my god is that Cameron?

I can barely see him behind that blade of grass
by Booz Bol June 7, 2021
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The most sweetest guy you'll ever meet. He is sweet and amazing and he will make your heart melt every time he speaks. Cameron and may seem weird the first time you see him...... But once you get to know him he won't seem weird at all and he will be a sweet and amazing guy
P1 OMG have you met cameron

P2 yeah he is so funny and sweet......I just love him!!!!!
by Ib12 19 December 28, 2016
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Has the physical characteristics of a Goat.
Often has a beard with a bald spot on one cheek.
Very good at placing cones on a roadway but not so good at voting in governments.
Refuses to spell some words correctly or pronounce words as they are spelt.
More likely than not will blame someone else for his mistakes.
Cameron wanted to vote for Trump but the 'U'in his name stumped him. So voted for Hilary instead.
by Glenese gleniese glenys September 12, 2017
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