An insult that implies one was born in dung,

or i.e. born in fecal matter
Person 1: dayumm, that girl over there is nasty looking

Person 2: yeah i know, and i had to sit next her in math last year and everyday she reeked, man!

Person 1: i bet she was shard-born

Person 2: probably. i heard her mother had fistula
by nickJai December 27, 2011
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The most hyped-up overworked bubble-gum disco-pop 80's throwback in the history of mainstream music, if it wasn't already crap. The song sounds like it was dug up from a 1980's time capsule. Basically she gets a couple of stereotypical be-yourself shit for her lyrics, adds a gay-club Madonna San Francisco beat and hypes the fucking song over 9000x to try and distract from the fact that she spent five minutes working on this cheesy cheap-ass little song. All her 'little monsters' buy this noisy, terrible piece of crap because it supports the gay community, which dick is being forcibly sucked by Lady Gaga these days. She hypes this song so fucking much by calling it "amazing" and "beautiful" when really it's another monotone predictable electronic annoying repetitive rip-off buttfuck of the ears that she is so obsessed with advertising to this gullible fuckwipe generation.
An sample of the songs fucking overused cliche lyrics:

Whether life's disabilities

Left you outcast, bullied or teased

Rejoice and love yourself today

'Cause baby, you were Born This Way!
by Odelogum February 12, 2011
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When referring to someone as "born in a tent", we are implying that they never close the door.
Person One: *Walks off and leaves door open*
Person Two: "Were you born in a tent?!"
by door closer December 9, 2010
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1 A man or woman with a large booty where-in the partner has an excess amount of fat to hold onto during sex. 2. Large folds of fat that can be used during a sex act.
Man, that girl is thick! You know she was Born with Handles !
by the2ndflood September 22, 2007
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A term used widely in the Central Californian area and some parts of Arizona meaning a person who remains the gender they were born, being the opposite of someone who is transgender.
I always thought Adam was going to be born-sex, before he became Amber.
by CannibalPrince April 6, 2011
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The name of Lady Gaga's new album. Apparently its compleate liberation and will piss people off but at the same time be appealing to everyone.

The first single is to be released in Febreuary 2011
Lady Gaga: My new album is called BORN THIS WAY!
Little Monsters: *hyperventilating* OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I LOVE YOU GAGA!
by ILOVELADYGAGA_95xox December 3, 2010
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