1.) A talentless singer from the Suburbs of Glen Cove who made it famous simply by being at the right place at the right time 2.)Fooling people to believe that you are something that you're not while receiving praise for your "talents" by unsuspecting bystanders. 3.)Singing a whole song in one key while saying either "Baby" or "Aww Baby" throughout.
I know I can't do this, but I'll Ashanti my way out of it.
by Anonymous October 30, 2003
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Ashanti went to her singing lsson.
by nychica098876 October 25, 2003
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1I wish she didnt exist b/c she CANNOT SING, SANG or ANYTHANG wit her nappy weave that connect to her Planet of the Apes sideburns. (and how the Hell do yow mess up "Aww Baby" and "Baby baby baby baby bay-bee"...my 3 year old cousin can do it better)
2Can't get a man of her own so she share
Kimmy:Did u hear about Stephanie?
Kimmy:Well, she sucked Kae's d**k so that he would notice her.And he still can't r'member her name.
Nicci: I told her to stop idolizin' that "Oh baby I'm satisfied,even if ur not just mine" ho. Now we gotta start callin her Ashanti
Kimmy:Oh, but thats so mean. Can't we just stop talkin to her?
Nicci:You're right that's better then puttin her whole life on blast
by DatBytchUWant~~~~Lala October 26, 2004
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an overated singer who used to have sideburns and a monobrow til she discovered a stylist, she swears she luks gud in those hot pants in the only u vid but dayam she u-g-l-y. songs consist of lyrics "oh"and "baby" an overated hook girl
"oh baby, oh baby"
sings with pussy assed fake nigga ja rule
by queen_c February 11, 2005
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bitch who look like a fucking ape.
bitch that suck and swallow to get ahead.
professor in deep throating
by trey g January 5, 2004
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She got a big booty her bsf is anyone on the street she’s nice kind and warm hearted.She loves his one guy that she won’t tell anyone but she also knows she can’t get him
Damn that ashanty has lil tits and big booty

Damn that ashanty got curves can I fuck her right now like I’d lose my virginity
by Officially.ash September 19, 2018
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An aight singer but she has the biggest ass damn sideburns we have ever seen on a bitch!
Damn I think Ashanti's sideburns are about to eat my face.
by Maria and Mindi March 28, 2003
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