When someone calls your phone and you dont want to talk to them, you press the "Ignore" button.
Dude the phone only rang for 4 seconds before it went to voicemail....i think that bitch just clicked on me!!
by F Schnitzel August 22, 2007
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1) An exclamation of joy.
2) The noise a shotgun makes.
3) The noise a bomb makes two clicks before going off.
4) A song.
1) "Dude!!! Click Click BOOM!!!"
2) "I'm gonna kill your punkass bitch" *click click BOOM*
3) *click* *click* *BOOM*
4) "Dude have you heard click click boom yet?"
by Soiled Undergarment August 13, 2003
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to unexpectedly hang the phone up on someone
Hello, this is Michael speaking
by tatomuck1 February 22, 2009
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1. To push the mouse button.
2. To ignore someone in a chat room by hitting the ignore button.
"right-click on the icon to pop a contextual menu"

-johndoe: hey mary i wanna cum all over you!!
-Mary: johndoe <click>
by Anonymous November 5, 2002
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Click is when you don't have to filter or explain or plan out your thoughts or words or actions or desires to the other person because the other person is your soul mate and everything just seems to click perfectly.
Click is what we all live for.
by Colin J.K. February 9, 2009
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1. (verb) to morally flame
2. (verb) to annoy and warn a person or people on AIM for fun and revenge
You better be nice to me or I'll click you for life!
by Clicker March 16, 2004
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