A nickname for a woman who is submissive to her man and wants him to be in total charge
Mommy Rabbit cannot wait for Daddy Rabbit to take her home and do naughty things to her!
by Clever and Naughty April 2, 2018
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That one stupid person who talks like their foaming out the mouth, like the brain has melted and they’re digesting it. They have nothing good going for them, probs a drop out and just hops onto peoples back and doesn’t let the fuck go
Wag1 my g
“Nigga I told you not to talk to me with your demented rabbit arse”
by SIZZIL June 3, 2022
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It's a YouTuber who wants to be famous one day who welcome any gender and anyone to watch
You can tell someone Justin the rabbit it means kind
by Justin the rabbit April 24, 2022
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A secret helper order in Roblox, based on a Roblox Friend group called Nabz KK Friends.
This Order has a Ranking system based on good behaviors and acts towards others to promote good traits.

Nabz, Nabolshia, NabzDarkLotus

"The Order of the RABBIT, has spread like a dark seed spreading light through the world."

"We don't like haters or cheaters, trolls or those mean to others."

"It is easier to help the lost than go out of your way to misguide the focused."
Him: " IWow! Nice Bunny outfit! Are you a furry?!"
Him: "Kinda ~ I am in the Order of the Rabbit!"
by Nabolshia April 10, 2021
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A person with five or more kids.

It comes from the phrase: breeds like rabbits.
Hey look Paul, that's Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Looks like his wife is pregnant again, and they are already on like their sixth kid! What Rabbit Breeders.
by QuinceyQuidditch February 18, 2014
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Person 1: yo hockey girls are so hot man
Person 2: ur such a puck rabbit!
by Youmeurmomandabed603 February 20, 2022
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