Any hole or object used to have intercourse (or masturbate with) that is very dry. Feels as though your penis is being harassed by a cactus. Often leads to chaffing and inevitable pain with possible blood loss.
That was one hell of a night, but her asshole is a dusty cactus.

She said to stick it in, so I did. We didn't have any lube for that Dusty Cactus. Owey

My cock is so raw that it's bleeding. Damn Dusty Cactus. I'm never doing anal again.
by ObviousDailyLingo January 26, 2016
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when someone learns too much french
friend: aye man i’m learning french!
me: dawg you gonna get dusty genitals 😭😭
by &2@39; May 23, 2022
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When someone so ugly and ashy they look dusty then they have skin coming off they look crusty. When they both their Dusty Crusty
Eww she look Dusty Crusty
by happy mad April 24, 2016
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There are so much trees at Dusty Divet now
by Olive Soose November 21, 2018
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When baby powder is placed in a partner's ass crack (as if powdering a baby during diapering), and a man gets behind the 1st partner.

The 1st partner then facts onto the man's penis, covering it with a puff of powder, or a "dusting".
Iafter the cattle rustlin' we were all a bit moist sown under, so we asked our women-folk to give us all some dusty dickins.
by KingofSpain357 April 6, 2016
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