very gay all the time gay part of the lgbtq+ community, if your dating a zach or best friends with one just know he’s hitting on your male friend
by zach:) June 18, 2022
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A really cool, chill, caring guy. Doesn't talk all the time, but is there for you when you need him. Zach is a man of many talents and overall is just the perfect man.
Person 1. OMG is that Zach?
Person 2. I think it is!!
Person 3. He is like, so awesome!!
by kyle_pogz January 17, 2023
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Zach is either really cute or REALLY ugly. There is no in the middle with them. If you date a zach, you better hope he is on the really cute side of the table
G1: omg did you see zach today?
G2: yeah, isnt he kinda cute?
G1: Kinda?! Babygirl u is trippin... he's fine !!
by That_girl_that_knows April 4, 2020
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the act of pulling out before something even begun because you´re an insecure incel.
Damn dude look at that girl you should ask for her number!
I zach to much there's no way she would give it to me anyway.
by Ejoyz January 3, 2023
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Zach Syndrome is a disorder in which the person says the N-word randomly or in every single sentence.
Dude. He kept saying the N-word constantly. I think he has Zach Syndrome.
by CaptainH0ckey June 29, 2022
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When you force a girl to give you a perm while hitting from the back
I pulled a freaky Zach with a gymnast last week
by Perm Papi May 16, 2022
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Drake the kinda guy meme, but better.
Zach Amendola the type of guy to lick his lips and rub his hands together before a good meal.

Zach Amendola the type guy to float in the air when he smells a good pie.

Zach Amendola the kinda guy to yell "Geronimo!" before jumping into the pool.

Zach Amendola the kinda guy to run in place for a few seconds before speeding off into the sunset.
by WLU03 December 5, 2022
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