-I can haz ch33zbrgr?
-k lol

-sry k?
-k lol
by lolololololololololllolololol December 13, 2008
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A.K.A a lolwich
when instant messaging a person the sender says lol then says something that is funny(or something that they think is funny) then adds another lol before the reciver of the message can respond
AIM#1) lol
AIM#1) it tastes like chicken
AIM#1) lol
AIM#2) dude u just lol sandwiched me
by nathaniel plaza July 26, 2008
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"Lol" has been so overused over the last couple of years that now people will say "lol" when they are not actually laughing out loud. "Actual lol" means that the speaker/texter/messager is literally laughing out loud.
by Johanna W September 28, 2006
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Used when someone you hate or dislike shows you a meme
Person 1 "hey look at this lmao
Person 2 " k lol" leaves chat or area
by WyldeFlow October 8, 2016
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Sus LOL is an amalgamation of Sus meaning suspicious and LOL meaning laugh out loud. A Sus LOL occurs when someone tells a joke that is not funny in any way, but within the group one person does laugh. That laugh, then, is a Sus LOL because it's not certain what they are actually laughing at, or if they're just a terrible person.
Dude was cracking jokes about dry beans of all things, and then Bovesly busted out a huge Sus LOL.
by FrenzyPrenzy March 1, 2020
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Me: Check that guy's comb-over... It's awesomely bad!!!

You: That, my friend, is a LOL-over!!
by skinimalinki November 3, 2010
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The act of people getting together and laughing at stupid, rather irrelevant stuff. When one person says something funny, and the other adds on until it becomes unbearably funny.
Draco:"Hey! Where is my aunt and my mum?"
Sev:"They are having a Lol-A-Palooza over soem fanfictions."
by Ciss<3 June 19, 2010
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