Kid who walks into class singing to the high heavens thinking he has the voice of Alesha Keys. But he doesn't.
Nathen: gosh Kyle is such a chior queer!
Dave: I know, he ruins the sound of my sweet Alesha!
by Aggiefan24 December 24, 2013
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Someone who flies under the gaydar. They easily blend into the straight norm when they choose and often suprise people when they come out. Camo queers may switch into a more visibly queer persona in queer and/or safe spaces. Some camo queers are in the closet by choice or neccesity, while others simply live to confuse straight people and challenge steriotypes.
"But you don't look gay" "That's the point, I'm camo queer"
"How'd you convice them you were straight?" "The power of camo queer"
by camoqueercreator December 31, 2022
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When one of the homies is acting a little too sus or is a giving faggot like tendencies
John this is the fourth time youve slapped Brian’s ass
Quit being a queer-dawg
by anyn0m0us November 5, 2021
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Is an group full of a bunch of q*eers 🏳️ 🌈
“Omg did you guys hear about fruit basket (scream queers era)🧺🍓 ? I heard they do hard core d*ugs and play roblox all the time cause they’re FREAKS!
by xcoxic December 10, 2021
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Atasya is a queer thot
by Jonny is queer August 30, 2017
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The intersection between queer theory with our comprehension about ecological dynamics outside of the heteronormative perspective of how nature works (male and female as god intended...).
Hey Karen has gone woke, now she studies queer ecology
by manupiss October 13, 2023
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When someone is gay and trying to suss out if you're an ally or not, s/he'll throw queer baiting your way to judge you by your reaction. A 'test run' of information to see if you are cool and nonjudgmental in order to see if s/he wants to be friends.
Phil: "See that guy over there? With his arms crossed, talking to the guy in the green? Which is hotter? Tell me quick."
Kate: "Uh..."
Phil: "It's arms crossed guy, right? I think he's the hottest guy here."
Kate: "Oh, definitely, he's super attractive."
Phil: "Good. Glad we agree." *wink*
Kate: "Did you just queer quiz me?"
Phil: "Totally. And you passed."
by kayleefirefly March 24, 2015
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