where a super hot girl gives connor andrew meade the shloppy woppy double hand combo and he shits himself for 4 minutes straight 🥶🥵
i’m gonna give connor the mother fucking soggy donkey
by jaarod April 7, 2019
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A sex position in which two partners undergo intercourse while a third party pours milk and Honey Nut Cheerios over the couple until mutual orgasm
Babe! I found a guy who is willing to be our third in the soggy Cheerio. You down?
by That bottom bitch October 19, 2019
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Having a middle aged woman put salt on her vagina and then having a old white man lick it off.
Man that chicks getting a soggy oyster tonight
by Knoxville1822 July 8, 2017
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A competitive masturbation game in which multiple male participants race to ejaculate into a shoe. The final individual who fails to ejaculate must drink the ejaculatory contents of the shoe.

The name is a combination of the game 'Soggy Biscuit' - in which the participants ejaculate onto a digestive biscuit - and a 'Shoey' - where an individual drinks an alcoholic beverage from a shoe.
Andy: We're going to Zach's house this afternoon for some Soggy Shoey.

Steve: I've been practicing my premature ejaculation technique. I hope you're ready to eat my spunk from an ugg boot.
by Penguin Meat December 8, 2021
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When a deceased chicken is not fully born so it sprouts spicy ketchup
Dang man I had a soggy embreo last nigh
by Deedlebungus December 10, 2016
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Noun: A semi-hard penis; when your dick is stuck in a state between hard and soft, and no matter what you do it won't go up anymore. Synonyms: Semi-hard, semi-flaccid
I had a hard on for an hour while I was waiting for the right time to go down on this girl, but when it finally came time to whip it out, I was Mungo-Soggy.
by Graychin May 21, 2020
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