What the heck? Special lipo ports are installed at the tables to suck out the fat from your fat order you just ate. Blue for guys. Pink for girls. Say you order 3 Super size meals. You eat two and connect the free screw in port into your belly button. As you eat the machine turns on sucking out your meals. Calories 0. You then take the other meal and heat it up later. Everybody wins! McDonalds sells more and you control your weight by ordering the McDonalds Mclipo Meal. The fat is then repurposed and added to the fryer. You feel so awesome you order some cookies to go.
Jadu: I simply love McDonalds McLipo Meal.
Vrin: Me too. I lost 80 lbs. on this diet.
Jadu: I'm an addict now.
Vrin: McDonalds really cares about us minions.
Jadu: I'm rewriting my will so everything will go to Mickey D's.
Vrin: Already did that.
by jethrojones November 22, 2020
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its where you spend an extremely long period of time in a 24/7 McDonald restaurant just to use there free WiFi and charging ports whilst talking to actual different and random customers who went in to actually eat and then leave. usually done at night time
yo dude you wanna McDonalds and chill tonight
by therapistgod November 8, 2017
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Evie McDonald is a very good Irish person , kind to everyone , lot people have crush on her , and she is a bisexual , she loves art , chocolate is her life , favourite type of chocolate is dark chocolate , like some of the K-POP groups , she is weird and fun , had lots good friends , bad at recorder the only song she can do is Jingle Bell, she blond hair , blue eyes and glasses , really skinny and like boy’s clothes , she love reading as well , has a red spot on beside her right eye , loves turtle s and tortoises , has two sisters and no pets .
Evie McDonald is girl and Loves chips and peppers
by Really good friend January 12, 2020
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Attention citizen, you have stumbled upon forbidden knowledge. Only government officials with area 51 clearance passes are allowed to know the existence of Young McDonald, Cardi A, Pre-Malone, Kanye-East, Kanye-North, Kanye-South, Kanye-Weast, and other mysterious entities. By the time you exit this page, all memories of thee forbidden figures will be erased.
There is no Young McDonald in Ba Sing Se.
by udontknowmeidontknowu February 12, 2021
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She is the best Friend I could ever ask for and she’s always there when I need her.
Someone: Who is Cora Mcdonald?
Me: the sweetest and most beautiful friend I have.
by Cora McDonald February 1, 2022
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