A Delicious, Delectable, DELIGHTFUL piece of magical swine, transformed into “Man-Pig Love” strutting’ the fence “chain-link” style. Lovingly hand carved & sculpted by Magical, Melty Matthew.
(...wipe your chin...), and to “one-up thine own self”, your CLC is accompanied by a Sunny Side Up Egg that’s “waffled” itself right on in. Oh Yeah, and obviously served with a side of Grits and a subtle, polite version of a Leatherneck! (Bacardi 151, Louisiana Hot Sauce & a flashy dash of Celery Salt!)
The ability of the individual to “strut the yard with scratch” is based on their ability to hold down the leatherneck after heroically taking down the CHAIN LINK CHOP🥓🐷
Man, I’m Starving!! Gots to get us some Chain Link Chops!

Those Chain Link Chops were off the damn ..chain!
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When three or more Asian drivers rear-end each other in a domino-effect fashion, potentially resulting in multiple accidents, multiple traffic tickets, and a major traffic holdup.
When I was driving home from work and passed by an Asian neighborhood, I got caught in a Chinese chain reaction, and the front and rear chassis of my car got totaled.
by Terminus_Est May 1, 2015
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Chain where links connecting don but touch similiar sharp edges.
Add handle(s) of choosing.
by MineOwedWu's June 30, 2021
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a false message made by trolls who have nothing better to do that either wastes a person's time or threatens them and/or their friends and loved ones

unfortunately, a very large amount of people still fully believe that they're true
If chain letters were real, I wouldn't still be a virgin and I'd have a girlfriend. Oh, and I'd be a millionaire too. But then my family and friends would be dead, and I'd be homeless as well. And I'd be dead too. Make up your mind. Who dies: me, my friends, or my family?

The biggest giveaway that they're fake, though, is this chain letter I once read:

There was a six-year-old girl named Lily Rhodes. She was raped to death by a man named Tim Goldman. After he buried her, he chanted, "Oticapsed olleuc ut raripser oreiuq oticapsed." Now that you've read this, you need to post this to 25 other websites in the next five minutes. If you don't, Lily will show up in your bedroom at night and do to you what Tim did to her. If you do, you will be rewarded, and Lily will not come after you.

I didn't repost it, and no six-year-old girl showed up at night to rape me to death. Not that I'm complaining. I like not being dead. Plus, I need to stay a virgin if I want to become a wizard/sage/whatever other term there is.
by KingAnonymous October 19, 2020
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what people who have nothing to do with their lives write on face book
if you don’t send this to 10 people, you will have bad luck for 20 years
chain letter/ ignore
by nad12345 June 15, 2022
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Man do you see that jarl chains he seems to be thinking about something
by Thetruthtellero1 August 10, 2022
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