(n) a circle-jerk of unprofessional and unethical geo-technical and structural engineers operating out of Kane'ohe Hawai'i. Incompetent individuals who are engaging in ambulance chasing, and executing it poorly. Synonymous with "scam" and "fraud".
by Jpb Engineering = losers January 24, 2021
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One who repairs and/or installs equipment for the catering industry
I searched catering engineer Glasgow to find Diverse Catering Services. He repaired my commercial fryer, I had initially searched as I wanted to engineer a new meal
by Glasgow repairman August 19, 2022
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To engineer at night. A person who services people during the lightless hours of the day. A prostitute.
That girl we passed on the bus was rather shapely and walked in a distinctive manner. However, she had the essence of a midnight engineer.
by COMOSELLAMA? March 6, 2010
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What you will hear when a viking woman punches you in the stomach, before she slams a big ass hammer on your nuts.
Leggstu niður!


Engin miskunn!
by TheBlackBox333 April 21, 2020
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A common bar mitzvah gift is a "Bond" They likely explain to the kid what a "Bond" is and how to use it. THAT is what Kanye means when he says "The Jews have been taught financial engineering" you fucking idiots.
by Hym Iam March 28, 2023
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A school located in Gosta Green, B7. It’s engineering based but it’s still shit innit. Kids think they’re bad but really aren’t. Fix up blud
Person 1: Oh I got a place at aston university engineering academy.

Person 2: That’s rah peak I heard the teachers shag the students uno.
by AUEADefinitions February 5, 2020
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