Fucking another man in the back of a jeep
"Man I was stacking jeeps cheap Last night"
by Supermlgguy420 September 20, 2021
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I can't go to the club tonight, I'm trying to save my money. You know, get those elephant stacks.
by Fraza Fraz July 6, 2009
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When two bros go to bone a chick but they are in disagreement over who gets what hole. Therefore they come to a compromise and tape there dicks together using duct tape and pound the chick. To ensure their dicks aren't touching, they slide a thin piece of folded notebook paper in between their dicks.
Ian and I were about to scrap when we couldn't agree over who should get to penetrate what hole on this classy broad. We eventually came to a compromise and decided that package stacking would be the way to go. We made her squirm like a harpooned whale and she is not going to be able to walk for days!
by The real Dick pepper July 18, 2015
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a website hackers use to hack igs

it can be used to spam people's emails
ex- hey i hacked someone's @ on ig yesterday using blue stacks !!!
by uglybetty666 November 18, 2015
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The thing that parents do when your finished with a chore that they told you to do. They usually stop untill they feel like it and they will keep finding things to do for you. They will think about more chores for you to do while your doing the ones they told you to do
Dad: Hey, once your done with that go outside and clean the pool, I got more stuff for you to do after those.

You: why are you Chore stacking
Dad: what is Chore stacking?
You: its in the name, Your stacking chores!
by Zoid123 December 21, 2021
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Having slept with many woman.
Steve is such a player, he loves stacking gash

Steve is such a gash stacker.
by Skrempdracula October 4, 2023
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