When a female puts their vagina lips on someone's face or forehead. The female version of Tea bagging.
"Ohh man she totally hamburger stamped me on the forehead last night"
by sharty123 January 20, 2012
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A Bison shit Stampede is what results when someone goes to a Buffalo Wild Wings and becomes adventurous with the spicier sauce on the wing menu. Unless equipped with bowels of steel, the result is a rush to the bathroom. Followed by a "stampede" of shit, usually in liquid form.
"John tried the 'wild' sauce. Judging by the screaming coming from the bathroom? He's probably in the middle of a Bison shit Stampede."
by J-Stin June 26, 2023
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When you smack a bitch with your dick and it leave the outline of your dick. The Mushroom Stamp
I met this one hoe so i gave her the mushroom stamp.
by Coochie eater 69 April 29, 2019
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The residual print left on a surface after application and removal of a vulva
I need to change this shirt before we go out, my girlfriend left a slug stamp on it last night before she started riding me
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When you slap down onto your wife's face with yo dick and it leaves a mushroom stamp.
Man I hit the old lady with one hellluva stamp down lastnight. She still got dat mushroom stamp on her face this morning!
by nairb33 January 13, 2017
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Mail stamps originally originated from the small land mass know as English. The first homo sapien to use these sticky pieces of technology was a man by the name of Dr J.Murdoch. Dr Murdoch sat in his chair wondering what to do with this pieces of paper. Dr Murdoch decided they would be good to put on those envelope things. So he slapped one on a envelope. Dr Murdoch instantly thought it looked sick. So he started printing a heap of them. When they were finished printing he sat down to have his dinner, which was Chicken soup (prepared by his lovely wife). While he was eating he admired his stamps. Then he dropped then all I his soup on accident. He quickly scooped them out and let them dry. He sniffed them and they smelled like chicken. He liked it and decided that he'd do it to all his stamps from now on. And that's why all the mail stamps now smell like chicken.
by Hazza_P December 23, 2020
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White Girls who show up at Starbucks in the morning wanting their specialty drink and NOT have to talk to the barista about it!
Totes went to Starbucks and they didn't have my 'half caf decaf venti iced macchiato with oat milk ready'! Don't they know my order !!? I may not have a tramp stamp but they should know my Starbucks Stamp already!
by WTF2023 June 19, 2023
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