Better known as aspergillus symptoms are brought on by smoking moldy or mildewy marijuana. Symptoms include nausea, headache and sore throat similar to a common cold but with no temperature or medicinal effects.
I don't want to smoke any of that s*** it'll give you the shwag flu.
by DamnsonIthoughtyouknew April 14, 2018
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When a man has sex with a woman with the intent of getting an STD to transfer to another woman, most often one who has been cheating on him previously.
"Shaniqua was fucking Daquan so I'm gonna give her a flu jab, where's that bitch with Syphilis?"
by IsopodCunt October 24, 2018
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When you and another guy get cheated on by the same girl but both of you already fucked her and you both have her AIDS.
Guy One:Dude,I can't believe she used us like that,and now I have AIDS from her.
Guy Two:Bro I got AIDS from her too!
Guy One:Holy moly that makes us flu cousins.
Guy Two:Man let's go somewhere to eat,my treat.
by Quantum Ranger August 14, 2015
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A flu consisting of partying for 6 days at Bonnaroo while your body is a trash can for drugs and alcohol resulting in your body’s immune system lowering from being around sweaty wooks, the sickness usually consists of coughing up phlegm, headaches and throwing up, you will probably be bed ridden for days and down Dayquil and Nyquil like a degenerate while suffering random coughing fits and the cold embrace of feeling like death
Wook 1: Man, I was at bonnaroo last week and I feel like dogshit
Wook 2: You got the Roo flu man
by daemon. June 21, 2023
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Rhysian Flu

The Rhysian Flu is a term used to degrade those of a specific type of text role-players who prefer NSFW or ERP Scenarios and is mainly used to those of an illiterate kind. This term is most commonly used towards a member in a sub category of Discord Servers for the Rick Riordan Series Percy Jackson known as BlueSteel.
Guy 1: Wow man these retards have the Rhysian Flu

Guy 2: Rhysian Flu?

Guy 1: Yea, you know those assholes who ERP and shit?
by SteveCanLickMyAnus January 19, 2020
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The last shot you'll ever need, under The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. May contain lead and/or copper, will leaves trace GSR at the injection site.
Dude, your dad turned 70? Might as well sign him up for his shovel-ready flu shot now...
Bro, that shovel-ready flu shot is KILLER!
by geekthang November 2, 2012
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When your neck is so sore that you cant go to work but really you've just been up all night partying.
Sir, I cant come in to work tomorrow. I have the 24 hour neck flu.
by frogdoggie March 21, 2019
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