Worm of means despicable, pathetic horrofying
Paul, worm of New York, is here to buy more lighter torches for gift-giving on Christmas.
by Pink Boy November 2, 2015
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A term for a penis that is very small.
What if she finds out I have a worm!? She'll never want to fuck me, then!
by Worm Boy 2 September 1, 2019
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The Hamptons may be filled with WASPS but the East side of Salt Lake City is crawling with WORMS.
by xam July 15, 2005
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A worm - Someone that makes many ecxuses for riding, often complaining, like a small bitch often with a vagina. Furthermore, wants a bigger bike although it is too big, usually the offender doesn’t send big.
person 1: yo boys let’s ride Saturday.
Person 2: Ok sick I’m down.
Person 3: nah, riding is boring.
Person 1 &2 : what???
Person 3: plus my bike is too small.
Person 1 & 2: Man, ___ is such a WORM.
Person 4: true dat cuh. Btw I’m down to ride.

Person 1 & 2 &4: He doesn’t send big.
by Kaykushingtonn April 30, 2018
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An action word denoting the time wasting activities one engages in while at work.
In a chat:
Person A: "Hey man what are you doing?"
Person B: "Ahhh nothing too much man just worming right now."
Person A: "Slow day huh?"
by TheTrueMzungu July 11, 2012
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when ur doing chin ups and ur knacked, u can squeeze out a couple more by wriggling ur way up, known as worming
come on!! u've done 19, worm ur way to 20 u lazy motherfucker!
by rich May 4, 2005
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when a man or a woman shoves his/her tongue into his/her partner's ear while making out
she started kissing my neck, next thing I knew, she was worming me.
by dj jahoviss witness February 2, 2008
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