Emo music like Simple Plan that sounds like they are being kicked in the shins by their little sisters.
"Death Cab For Cutie is good emo. Simple Plan is more like whine-o."
by Patchwork March 16, 2004
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A slang word for the swine flu, meaning that all anyone ever does about the swine flu is whine.
Mr.Dude:Why don't they ever try to get rid of the swine flu?
Mr.Guy:People talk about it, but no one wants to do anything about it.
Mr.Dude:Sounds more like the whine flu to me.
by Wildwarf May 25, 2009
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When someone whines explicitly to garner respect. A sickening act, one that will usually end up with you dead
Peter: Hey guys, I just ran like 7 miles in Cross Country.
Friend(s): What was the point of that statement?!!?
Peter: Well, mah legs hurt! But thats OK, Ill man it out
Friend(s): Was that an anti-whine, Peter?? Cause you know what I (we) do to anti-whiners? I (we) am (are) going to rip out your kidney. "I dont care, I have 2," you say? Too bad, because then comes your esophagus. Then we come for your relatives, pets, and relatives of pets...
by The Concerned March 7, 2008
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As in, "You want some cheese with your whine?" Said to people who whine excessively about some otherwise trivial bit of drama. Has a sort of you-had-it-coming flavor to it, and a strong implication from the speaker to the subject that now would be a really good time to shut up, because the whining is rally annoying the speaker.

Comes from that cheese is popular with wine, a beverage made of fermented fruit, and that whine is a homonym of wine.
"Oh, poor me, my steak arrived with not enough salt!" "Well, then, you want some cheese with your whine?"
by ke6isf October 22, 2004
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tendency to be hopelessly and utterly ill-tempered and contrary to the point of frustrating any and all attempts of being civil
if you don't quit I'll knock the pee whining shit out of you
by daddyo October 15, 2008
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Every song REM or Michael Stipe ever sang.
Person A: oh I love this song

(“Myeh Myeh Myevery Booody hurts” plays on the radio)
Person B: Don’t ear rape me with your bull shit Whine Rock.
by Savior of the night October 20, 2018
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