Sticking a finger that's been dipped in water into someone's ear.
Guy 1: "Why would you give me a wet Willy if you knew I'm vegan??"
Guy 2: "It's good man, it was a vegan wet willy. No animal products used."
by CaptainLongnipples May 7, 2018
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The act of licking your long shlong and repeatedly shoving it in the guy/girl/dog/cat/or whatever kinky shit your into's ear.
I'm gonna shove my dick in your ear and give you an ultra wet willy.
by Mattymins1123 July 22, 2015
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When someone is asleep, you wake that person up by licking the person directly in his/her's ear
One student gave a pure wet willy to a student in class sleeping in first period, the whole class was feeling hilarious
by D money509 April 22, 2015
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The more advanced version of a Wet Willy. The Toasted Wet Willy is when you lick your finger, then stick it in bread crumbs and put it in someone's ear.
Did you see Kenny give Brad a toasted wet willy at lunch? It took him 15 minutes to clean out his ear.
by FuriousGeorge3 April 28, 2022
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When you finger someone after eating spicy food with your hands.
“Damn, Adam gave me a Mexican Wet Willy last night after we ate mango habanero wings. I had to douche with ranch to cool down.”
by SaraMrk June 26, 2021
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The act of giving a regular wet willy but instead of saliva, you stick your finger up your nose and then in the victim's ear.
Wow! Frank just gave Cassie a Mexican wet willy... He's been sick all week.
by Aaron The Terrible March 22, 2018
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The Ultimate Wet Willy can be attained by a group of guys only. The Ultimate Wet WIlly involves each of the guys jerking off and then all of the semon is put into a sleeping person's ear.
Bob was the first to fall asleep at the sleep over, so the other guys decided to gay out and give him an ultimate wet willy/
by J.D.N. August 13, 2006
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