a virtual folder or file consisting of the spiciest pngs, jpgs, or gifs you can find. use to easily supply cancer group chats or instagram shitposts with your spicy pngs, jpgs, or gifs.
Jimmy: Hey I found this meme.
Evan: Oh cool, I'll add it to the meme vault
Jimmy: xdd lol
by bennie22 May 16, 2018
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The only sport where it is ok to grab a pole, get on it and have the highest ride of you life...and have every one cheer and clap for you as you get off (the mat of course)
by Katie February 10, 2005
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homosexual slang refering to the tighness of ones ass
"dude i met this guy in this club and we went back to my place, but then i found out he had an ass vault,it was bad"
"true that"
by Ollie Wright August 18, 2006
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Cock vaulting is when someone is in a squatting position and is squatting up and down on a dick. Also known as cocksquatting.
Boy, you should have seen nichka doing cock vaults on j2n4me.
by codyrs February 17, 2005
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The inner "watch pocket" of a pair of jeans, when employed by a nerd for the purpose of accumulating and storing boogers.
Oh my God, watch out - he's getting into his booger vault!
by Rod Brock September 24, 2005
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A real pussy destroyer. He's a motherfuckin' pimp-ass player who loves hot babes on the daily.
"Wow. Did you hear about George last night? He fucked three girls!!"
"What a vault boy"
by Vault fucker January 1, 2016
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Its a place where the members of hogtopia keep their most prized possessions such as netherite, books, diamonds, emotionally attached to items, and most importantly, the hog bible
Ktaei: but that in the hog vault

AwesomeZ: yep quick!
by Ktaei March 25, 2021
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