The controller for a video game referring to the analog sticks typically used for movement. Can be used to refer to any video game controller.
by Jared Puente December 25, 2007
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When playing a multiplayer console game and a player is monitoring anothers physical movements, twitches and hand movements to preempt their play, particlarly during a joystick fighting game such as Street Fighter.
by Hawsktf February 2, 2018
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To punch so one in the face, cheek or jaw
Marty: dang that guy's face is swelled up,
Marlon: i sticked him for messing with me!!!
by housm July 11, 2015
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He broke his stick over that guy's face and was voted the game's most valuable player.
by pun tang October 17, 2003
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slang for surfboard, mostly west coast hawaii and southeast
"Just throw your stick in the back of the truck and well hit the beach"
by Anonymous April 27, 2003
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The sport of running around with a stick of some sort, while poking every clay man in sight.
Clay man: I am feeling rather happy at the moment.
Professional sitcker: Its sticking season
by blackington September 13, 2006
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Chapman Stick
A 10- or 12-stringed fretted instrument in the guitar family.
The Chapman Stick is a one-piece instrument with no discernible body. The neck is the entire body, therefore it resembles a stick.

The Chapman Stick is played solely with the tapping or two-handed tapping or double-handed tapping technique, in which each hand plays lines and melodies independently.

The Chapman Stick has a unique tuning which offers a range extending lower than a bass guitar and to about the same high pitch as an electric guitar.
Moron #1: Hey, what's that thing the bass player's got?
Moron #2: You moron, haven't you ever seen a dulcimer before?
Educated fool with money on his mind: You guys, it's called a Chapman Stick. He's tapping it up!
by Flint Blade September 17, 2005
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