When You try to talk but someone likes to always cut you off.
Me: Hi, how are we all today?
Mason: SHUP
by ClarkT May 4, 2020
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Girl: omg I’m so pretty

Boy: shup ur clapped
by Meeee.123 January 23, 2022
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*kid being annoying asf*
“Shup bruh ur so fucken annoying” - you
Ok boomer” - kid
by Dizzy_izzy_whores March 5, 2020
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While the original words "Shut Up" can appear rude and abrupt. "Shup" is the opposite and totally light hearted version.

Shut Up = stop talking now

Shup = dont everybody lol!
Said loudly In front of strangers and meant to embarrass a mate: "Hey Keith, You still got that rash?"

Keith "Ha ha ha ha shup!"
by Tyke. January 10, 2015
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A fictional curse word created by fifth graders Zeke Fouse and Miguel Juarez.
Works in any scenario!
by Not Zeke June 2, 2019
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