Too happy to be taken seriously; happy to a cheesy or campy extent. Comes from the R.E.M. song Shiny Happy People.
I hated that movie's shiny happy portrayal of high school. In reality, it's a living nightmare for some people.
by Me I. Myself February 2, 2009
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The shine applied to one's hand after it has been inserted into a vajayjay and rotated ninety degrees.
man, I got a slimy shiny ninety from that chick last night
by themanwithaplanfornow March 13, 2010
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A Shiny Nickel is a sexual favor usually given by a girlfriend, wife, or an escort (prostitute). To give one a Shiny Nickel the female must first lather the males' anus with semen and vaginal fluid. Then she must "shine" his anus with her toungue until squeaky clean.
Man #1: How was that date last night?

Man #2: Amazing! After the movie she gave me Shiny Nickel in her Grandma's bedroom!

Man #1: Fucking Epic...
by Rusty Penny January 7, 2010
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When a girl puts lip gloss with glitter on and gives head. Thus leaving you with a shiny crown.
Dude i can't get the glitter off!

From where?

My wang!I got a shiny crown yesterday!
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Noun: A condition achieved when a woman has the good sense to remove the beard from her clam thus allowing a more pleasurable experience for both her and her partner.
I hooked up with two girls last night, the first had a damn wookie living in her panties, the second had a shiny giny; I much prefered the latter to the former.
by Stitecin and Kangarine October 30, 2006
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Person who works in an office at a desk all day, wearing the backside of their trousers or skirt to a vivid shine - c.f. pencil pusher.
"Does he know what he's talking about?"
"No, he's a shiny arsed pencil pusher who's come out to see where the real work's done."
by The-Hooded-Claw December 18, 2008
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