it isn’t sex, it’s the next best thing
sexting (whoa)
it isn’t sex, it’s the next best thing
by charlieissoswag June 20, 2021
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it isnt sex, its the next best thing
“yo wanna try sexting?”
by deezknots July 21, 2021
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Smth everyone is doing during quarantine
One of the two texting each other:I’m so horny rn, I wanna sext all night.

Him:*while jerking off* I want to slid my cock into your wet pussy

Her: *while fingering* I want you to thrust into my pussy with so much force I can’t walk daddy

And it continues blah blah blah
by November 2, 2020
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Sexting is much more than just sending naked or provocative pictures to each other (conversation, pictures, etc.). Sexting is a way of exploring one's sexuality and requires trust between two or more people. Sexting also must be consensual and fun, no one wants unsolicited dick pics! Exploitation of one involved in sexting is unacceptable because this is an act happening in private and one's sexual experiences and life should not be judged or intruded upon. There is no stereotype for people that sext; it's not just "young, stupid girls looking for attention", it is based on sexual preference and what one is comfortable with.
Person 1: I heard Sally and Sam have been sexting. Don't you think Sally is so gross?
Person 2: That's none of our business. And if that's what Sally and Sam like, we have no place to judge them.

Person 1: *sends unsolicited picture* Do you wanna sext? Send pics
Person 2: I'm not interested in sexting, it's not really my thing. You should ask because sending pictures.
by feminists123 May 6, 2019
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Remember the guy I met last weekend who I gave my number to? Well we've been sexting ever since!
by Grace Fitz May 17, 2007
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A non-physical form of pregame sex, which includes dirty talk between horny ass partners.
a friend says: Why u smilin hard brah?

you say: Dis chick was sexting me n she wants to suck my dick.
by Izzo aka Iz I April 18, 2008
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a word that the media made up after some Greensburg Salem school district's principals invaded the students privacy by taking their phone and then felt the need to go through the students messages and then reported it to the police.
i bet our principals feel like badasses now since they got their school on the news for "sexting", when teenagers don't even call it that.
by C523BB January 29, 2009
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