When a girl takes laxatives then lays with her legs behind her head on a bed, then the guy does a hand stand over her asshole with his feet firmly on the ceiling. And Drinks! Go gulls
now that we just left Taco Bell it’s the perfect time for a Salisbury Kegstand
by Scoots44 May 18, 2022
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Essential to performing this manoeuvre, is doggy. Eat a shit tonne of food, preferably spicy, then shit in a sock. Just prior to the fabled finish, swing the sock around you’re head, gather momentum, and thwack that socky shit around the back of her head.
John to girl: I’m about to cum


John: ok

Example 2:

Webby: Dude, I gave her the Salisbury socking of her life

John: nice
by The Socker September 25, 2020
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Hooking up with muiltiple guys but never going any further, regardless of how old you are or how much you lead them on.

The worst thing a girl can do.
Girl, I just Salisbury 'd like 5 guys this weekend.

He wanted to fuck but I'm from Salisbury.
by SalisburyDude October 17, 2017
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A small town full of fucking gypos with the last name Cooper and girls smoking fags at the age of 13. Salisbury is also known smelly chavs outside McDonald’s vaping and thinking they’re solid by telling the McDonald’s to suck there mums. In Salisbury there are many schools such as Wyvern St Edmunds where most kids thinks they’re rock hard by smoking down the cut or the ones that don’t think they’re hard are fucking nerds that either use there fingers as guns or are in the LGBT community.
Sam:Where are the coopers?

Joe: At McDonald’s in Salisbury getting high off a vape they stole from their Nan
by Eggybread123 July 22, 2021
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Okayed be honest this is a south town of middle class privileges but there are many council benefiting chavs. If you are lucky you may get through a day outside only seeing one chav however there are many pubescent wannabe chavs killing their lungs. There are 7 main schools, Swgs (get gay or get nonced on), Bws (act hard like chavs with their tiny willys), WSE (2nd worst place to go due to their burning lungs and obsolete brains), St Joes (lets be honest no one really knows who they are but they are “tryhards ”), Sarum Academy (“sports academy” but always gets trampled on by Swgs and Bws + worst areas to go to school), Trafalgar and Burgate ( both are too irrelevant to have their own Definition) and that’s it your daily does of pubescent kids. On a good day you may only see a few WSE in town acting like inbreds due to their lack of public decency. I can’t believe I forgot the private schools, no one really talks to them.
Jack “have you heard Salisbury is the best place to live in the Uk”
Novichokguess my plan didn’t work”
by AnonymousNovix October 27, 2019
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When a man cuts a hole in a steak, puts his manhood through the hole in the steak, and with the steak hanging on he inserts his manhood into another man's anus, then afterwards they feed each other the steak.
Dude 1 - Bro, I went to this party the other night and I'm pretty sure there was a gay salisbury going down in one of the rooms in the house. I opened the door and it smelled just like sex AND steak!
Dude 2 - Gross bro. Did you watch just to make sure?
Dude 1 - Of course I did bro.
by Scarlos June 19, 2015
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Guy: "Hey baby, we all outta lube but I'm itching for some fisting"
Girl: "Well don't worry baby, cause I got some gravy, we salisbury fisting tonight!
by The Boat Man February 3, 2022
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