People (or a single person) who don't like ravers or any kind of kandi kid. They'll often times go to raves just to mess with them. They'll do things like needle people (aids pixies), pull pranks, try to get raves shut down, and in general, ruin things for everyone. They're often close minded, up tight, and negative.
Person A (at a rave): So, on my way here these people kept messing with me and some of the other ravers; they were saying they were going to try to get us shut down! They were really mean to me and some of the other people that I came here with.

Person B: Wow, what raver haters.
by Weirdpx3 July 4, 2011
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I pledge allegiance to the pharmaceuticals that make my life so grand. And to the liquor which makes me fall. Many drugs under glow lights for which I dance. With pleasure and debauchery for all! Ahmen
Before leaving the rave all my friends and I take the Raver's Pledge to solidify our mayhem mission for the night.
by banana republic 4 October 15, 2010
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A repetitive strain injury of the elbow joint, cause by excessive "fist pumping". This injury is most likely to occur at Rave's or EDM festivals. While painful, this ailment is not nearly as severe as it's cousin "Raver's Wrist" which could affect ones ability to hold glow sticks or give light shows.
Bro, I got such bad Raver's Elbow at EDC last weekend, that I couldn't even fist pump to Avicii's set.
by tiestoelbow June 20, 2013
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When a venue packed full of sweaty ravers begins to collect condensation, due to the large mass of sweat 💦 , begins to collect and fall back from whence it originated.
The euphoric skies are opening up with our collective raver rain!
by JakeWillPDX August 31, 2018
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To be a Winkle raver is one of the highest honours a person can get. Members are the best of the best at what they do, from winning 6-a-side leagues to large family gatherings. A Winkle raver will achieve excellence or die trying.
Paul: Wow! Can’t believe we just lost, we’re that team professionals?

Matt: No, that’s just the Winkle Ravers
by Mart Lesley November 23, 2021
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A person or group of people (Usually Hawaiian or Part-Hawaiian males) that exhibits the behaviors of such traits (Obnoxious, Aggressive, Ignorant, Disrespectful, Egotistical) in Electronic Music Events. Usually lacking respect and knowing of the scene and disrupting the people in it.

Moke Ravers, usually seen shirtless and talking in a 'Pidgin' accent. Main goals are to prey on Raver girls, steal and start fights with other mokes from other areas within a 2-Mile radius.

Mostly all Raver Mokes are intoxicated at such events and act accordingly to behaviors of the average Moke.
"Wow you see that dude trying to shuffle?"

"Yeah they all look like they don't belong here"

"What a bunch of Moke Ravers"
by WNDR August 24, 2012
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The rumble strips on the sides of the highway that wake you up when you fall asleep at the wheel after a long night
Thank god for raver savers or we'd have been roadkill
by Lovedeath313 March 20, 2016
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