To be seperated from own or ownage. It is overkill. Simply known as power own, power ownage. Complete and total domination over another character or mob(monster).
Damn we pwned that monster.
by psumek November 27, 2004
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The act of unverbal consideration of a subject of disaffected control, i.e. the quasmic qualities of nuclear hygerophysical substances.
Hi, I wear popped collars, skateboard (but I think I'm cool because I say "skate"), pretend I smoke a lot of weed, and obsessively create YouTube videos of everyone in my life doing stupid shit no one else thinks is funny.

Ohhhhh you got pwned so badlyyyyyyy! lolz
by Pseudoshithead January 5, 2010
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Basically it is the next "fuck" it can be used as a verb, an adjective, and a noun.
Verb: to beat, have sex with, over power, and/or "own"
Adjective: Awesome, 1337, and/or cool
noun: something that is awesome, 1337 and/or cool
Passed tence: pwnt
I pwnt j00 at that game.
Man i heard that she pwnt him!
You mean that pwn hacker?
That is pwn.
by holy_cow July 8, 2005
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holy shit you got pwned
he is pwning everyone
by Weasel July 3, 2004
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1. To "own" someone in an online or other multiplayer act of gaming.
2. An alternate form of wordBurnination/word.
3. The act of pwnage.
4. A popular mispelled word online, rumored to have been created by a wordnewbie/word (or total n00b) on an online game. Has spread to many other games.
i pwn j00.
by j00r m0m June 10, 2003
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I just heard this term, it is computer nerd for own.
Playing Online Video Games

Dragon12312: You are good
Dark Slayer: (geeky laugh) 0/\/\G D|_|DE | J|_|ST PWND you
by some polak November 11, 2004
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