Also used in conjunction with the words "My little" to form the phrase My Little Pony. A "Pony" or "My Little Pony" is usually reminiscent of a frail, white trash child, covered in spaghetti sauce and dirt stains, with floppy, greasy hair, resembling the toy "My little Pony" which was left out in the backyard all winter long.
Look at the trail of Pony's walking into Wal-Mart.
by Brandon September 19, 2003
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To partake in sexual intercourse, characterised by a combination of gratuitous ferocity, a profound absence of mercy and occasional insanity towards the recipient. Normally the prescribed response to a minor infraction.
Brad: "Dude, Charlene's getting her John Wayne walk on today"
Todd: "Yeah, she forgot to do the dishes, I had to pony her ass"
Brad: "Sweet"
by Joshoid April 2, 2006
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A Pony is a person who is new to first and third person shooter games, or just sucks. You can use a "Pony" to keep yourself protected and get kills. By following a Pony around and letting them take point, it allows you to follow behind them and clean up their mess, thus keeping you safe in situations where you probably would have died and allowing you to snake kills from inexperienced players.
I'm gunna follow this Pony around and see how many of his kills I can take.
by BuBlLeS February 23, 2011
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One of the less attractive models (during the early 90s) of Ford Mustangs.Like the white on vanilla ice owned. Not including the original or the 2006 models cos they were cool.
"Look at that cat in his pony thinking he hard"
"Should of got a warranty on that thing, he's gonna get beats"
by snakeeyes July 29, 2006
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A 14.3hh little shit that is not meant to hike around kids at birthday parties.
by strawberryfieldsforever09 August 2, 2011
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Someone who is unpleasing to the human eye.
Also known as a minga.
Man what is up with Rob and the pony?
by HankDank April 4, 2006
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something that is juvenile, and usually pussy-esque.
man, that shit is pony! you are pony. yo mama is pony. i'm gonna slap the pony outta ya....
by rizzlefo May 14, 2003
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