This is a term used for a casual get-together that aims to create an aesthetic experience through the use of fecal matter. The following are the minimum requirements:
1. There must be a minimum of five (5) females participating.
2. All participants must be capable of performing a teddy bear handstand.
3. Each female must consume a curry-based dish, and each of them must consume different dishes.
Optional: Laxatives may be added to the dishes in order to facilitate loose bowel movement, if this consequence is not a natural bodily reaction experienced by the participant.
The females are to be arranged in a circular formation, all engaged in teddy bear handstands. The room is to be draped in industrial grade paper (preferably "uncoated", for absorbancy purposes). The females will then defecate all over the room. The resultant designs on the paper known to be similar to the artistic style of Jackson Pollock (hence the alternate name). Guests are simply required to enjoy the aesthetic experience.
"I went to a Curry Potluck (aka Curry Pollock) and was fascinated by the retention of colour that some of the fecal matter had when displayed on the paper!"
by JJ Waters February 7, 2017
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The art of fresh water fishing with live bait and bobbers, preferably shiners for large mouth bass.
I saw him out pollock fishing again at West Meadows with the three other pollocks.
by Pozerski July 11, 2008
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1. n. Painter in the abstract expressionist movement. Reclusive alcoholic who died in an alcohol related car accident. A sick genius.

2. n. and v. Explosive diarrhea.
Friend 1: Dude. Stomach flu. Totally fluid. Totally spraying all over. I am so sick I just Jackson Pollocked the toilet, the tub and the bathroom wall. Just emailed a photo. I am a sick genius.

Friend 2: Wow. That wall is harshed. That is a Jackson Pollock.

pizza pizzaria diarrhea gross shit sick
by Pervasive D2 January 11, 2011
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To blow or splatter a messy, large surface area semen filled load on a sexual partner.
As I was about to finish, I pulled out and Jackson Pollocked all over her face.
by WFRO January 21, 2018
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The act of laughing so loudly that you're middle name becomes pollock
John lol pollocked at the site of Mary falling down the stairs
by toemass November 18, 2013
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