Swahili slang word (specifically Kenyan) used to describe someone in a very drunk state
OMG that dude is so papers

what happened last night? Me I remember nothing, as in I was too papers!

you can't drive you're papers
by tommyd2006 August 21, 2012
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To get married. The act of getting married.
After dating for several years, we finally got paperized.
by Shauna Meek August 18, 2006
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What you use to roll up a joint
Tyrone: You got the papers dude?

Darryl: Yeah dude right here
by The Big Man on a Toilet January 25, 2019
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A warrant out for their arrest.
Billy: Yo Roy, I got papers out on me from what happened last night
by Roy Bomb March 24, 2005
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when you sniff a bunch of coke and get fucked up
" shit son that 8 ball of blow got me papered up yo "
by cocaine!!! December 17, 2006
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the state of being where you become so over tired, everything seems funny.
other more retarded names are "the late night ha-ha's" or "the sleepy sillies."
yeah, i know it doesnt make any sense, but i came up with it last night, when i was papered.
by Shinigami Dani August 7, 2003
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