An insult to old people who are misinformed about modern day concepts.
by Guy who works at Denny's November 25, 2019
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What someone calls you when they think you're an alright friend but not a good enough one to trust.
Christal: You're an okay friend Jason.
Jason: .........Thanks I guess.......
by Lemmy4K July 8, 2020
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A general term to let the person know you understand what they’ve said.
Johnny Francis: “Just make sure you turn up to the library at 4 o’clock
Joe Martin: “ okay Batman” 👍
by JoeMartin April 13, 2021
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Something you say to a person when they spend a little extra money on something such as supersizing a meal, leather seats, or fill up with premium gasoline.
You: Can I get a side of marinara sauce?
Waitress: It's 50 cents extra.
You: That's fine.
Me: Okay, Rockefeller!
by WildBill33 March 19, 2011
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What you say to someone when your heart just broke into a million pieces
Oh Okay
by iTzBilly5534 August 19, 2018
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an ambiguous phrase, that can be used as it is or didatic about a person's current state (which is me).

it means either im actually ok or im not okay. the deceptive abilities of this phrase are high, so always ask for a different answer or elaboration if something seems off. they can wish that someone would care sometimes.
friend: how are you

me: i'm okay.
friend: no you're not

me: i want to be okay.
friend: i can help

me: the only person who can help me is myself


friend 1: how are we for saturday
friend 2: im okay with that.
me: im okay as well.
by sad boi dictionary January 11, 2019
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