4 definitions by WildBill33
A girl willing to let you stick your dick in any and all of her three orifices. Mouth, Vagina and Asshole.
I had no idea Vanessa was triple input!! Last night she let me fuck her, then she took it in the ass and this morning she gave me a hummer!
by WildBill33 January 28, 2011
by WildBill33 May 27, 2011
Something you say to a person when they spend a little extra money on something such as supersizing a meal, leather seats, or fill up with premium gasoline.
You: Can I get a side of marinara sauce?
Waitress: It's 50 cents extra.
You: That's fine.
Me: Okay, Rockefeller!
Waitress: It's 50 cents extra.
You: That's fine.
Me: Okay, Rockefeller!
by WildBill33 March 19, 2011
by WildBill33 June 4, 2011