a breast which doesnt quite fit into todays form fitting bras creeping over the top.
Obviously that bra doesnt fit; look at her muffin tops
by deebow68 August 1, 2005
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A Muffin Top Derby is an event that occurs when two or more morbidly obese people in fat scooters fight over something. Although the first Muffin Top Derby occurred in an Oklahoma Walmart over a box of Twinkies in 2009 venues have grown and there are a reported 7000 Muffin Top Derbys nationwide annually, occurring in Walmarts, McDonalds, Burger Kings, Wendys, and Taco Bells. At first Muffin Top Derbys were occurrences of nature, but now they have become more organized with betting, planned events, and some have even petitioned for an official league to cater to the large and... err, large. Unfortunately there has been resistance to this new sport in many states, leading to bans in number of Countys and Towns. This resistance is one of the reasons an organized Muffin Top Leauge ( MTL ) has not been created. Muffin Top Derbys can be observed in pop culture such as South Park, and Family Guy.

Never get between an American and their Twinke.
Guy 1: Did you see that Muffin Top Derby last night at Walmart?
Guy 2: Yeah, I lost an assload of money. I could have sworn that the Lard Dragon was going to win...
Guy 1: My bet is on the Twinke Bandito.
Guy 3: McDominator FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by IanPeterFreeley April 27, 2015
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When a chick is so overweight that her fat spills out from both the top of her pants (standard muffin top) AND from the bottom of her bra. Also observed in extreme cases as a mushroom fat goiter protruding from the top of a sports bra that is too small.
"Check it out! Helga gained so much weight, she's poppin a Cincinnati Muffin Top!"

"Shit bro, I gotta go wash my eyes out with acid now."
by Ahab the whale hunter September 5, 2013
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A far more severe muffin top where several folds of fat spills over a women's pants creating various nooks and crannies.
There is enough butter in that girls English muffin top.
by ilackabettername August 4, 2012
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Those shirts that girls always wear that are tights at the top and then flow out over their muffin top. They think they are tricking you and hiding the muffin top that lurks under those folds of fabric.
Guy 1: That girl over there is hot
Guy 2: That's because she is wearing a muffin top concealer and her muffin top is hidden.
Guy 1: Touche
by Ruff Butt Wrangler April 23, 2011
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The fatty region of a male which extends laterally from his tightened trouser line. This region is otherwise referred to as a muffin top, when present on a female.
by Jon Biscardi June 7, 2011
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When a bitches thighs ooze outta her shorts
Damn her shorts are too damn small! Shes gotta "reverse muffin top!"
by shmallison May 9, 2014
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