luxury things being involved in less problems than nonluxury things according to stats.
The luxury welfare kept the status quo for the rich.
by Coop Dupe June 14, 2018
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A rich man's lipid penis; a rich man's fat cock.
X: "I heard Z's got a Luxury Cock."
Y: "What the fuck is a 'Luxury Cock'?"
by BLZ_SK May 10, 2021
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When you don't really have to go pee, but you do anyway because you can
Time to take a luxury pee.

That luxury pee was really satisfying.
by Ôcean September 9, 2017
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Buildings or developments advertised as "luxury" and are nice and modern by appearance, yet are actually made cheaply or of poor quality materials. Often offered for overpriced rents with plenty of additional fees.
Guy: "Man I hate my apartment."
Gal: "Why? It looks so nice!"
Guy: "Yeah but everything breaks so easily, it's just Ikea luxury."
by colevonrich July 13, 2022
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The feeling a wealthy person unaffected by the recession has for still being able to buy whatever the hell they want while most of the world is teetering on the brink of utter poverty.
"I felt luxury shame for lusting to purchase a $100,000+ Hermes handbag but simply couldn't bear the burden of what my less fortunate friends would think of me."
by Jezebel's Baby December 1, 2008
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This term is used to describe places along the lines of unethical safaris in Kenya, certain all-inclusive resorts in India, and fortress-like compounds in areas like Cape Town, etc, which are built directly in the center of impoverished and economically destitute geographic areas. Luxury ghettos are blood-sucking establishments that exist solely for the daillances of the wealthy, while the surrounding land receives little to no economic benefit.
“It’s very important to connect to the community and not to just have luxury ghettos” -- Praveen Moman
by channel_panel January 17, 2023
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Another word for teeth, since they are not covered by your regular health insurance (like every other part of your body is) and instead you must have a "dental insurance" policy specific to them to continue enjoying them. Hence, luxury bones.
According to most health insurance companies, teeth are luxury bones that I must pay more to continue enjoying
by Pic889 June 18, 2022
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